A blog related to original AI artworks. I make AI artworks using coined words and emoji as prompts.
Recently, I have found several pirated versions of AI artworks sold on this site. Some of them are being sold on Amazon. Additionally, pirated versions can also be found on scam websites such as Atelier Erina. Since there are many other scam websites, it is impossible to respond to each o ...
I applied to two exhibitions held in early February, and four of my works have already been selected,with one of them receiving an award. One exhibition is the "23rd NAU 21stCentury Art Federation Exhibition", and the other is the “57th Toka Exhibition”.I submitted two works to ...
On November 16–17, we exhibited and sold posters of AI art under the title “Free Creationsby AI Art” at Design Festa, held at Tokyo Big Sight. We also showcased and explained the five works that won awards or were selected at exhibitions held at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museu ...
At Design Festa vol.60, held at Tokyo Big Sight, we selected a few dozen works from over 130,000 images to exhibit and sell on the spot. Other works, excluding the latest ones, can be viewed on our official site, and posters are available for purchase on Rakuten. The exhibition, titled "Fr ...
As previously mentioned, one of my works received an award and two works were selected at the Shin Geijutsu Exhibition, and two works were selected at the Chubi Exhibition. I attended the awards ceremonies and parties for these exhibitions and later visited the exhibitions themselves.The f ...
I gave a presentation titled “Using Personal Names or Pen Names as Prompts to Unleashthe ‘Artistic Talent’of Generative AI” at Nicograph 2024, a conference organized by the Society for Art and Science. The presentation covered the Kana and Kanabstracd artworks featu ...
The Shin Geijutsu Exhibition is an annual open-call exhibition held at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum by the Shin Geijutsu Association. Out of the three works I submitted, one received an award, and two were selected. As previously mentioned, I also submitted two works to the Chubi Exhi ...
Chatting with ChatGPT-4o about art interpretations has led to various insights.Q: Please provide an interpretation of this artwork (ci9s7Qlc), including any artists it might have been influenced by.A: This artwork uses techniques like pointillism and abstract expression, creating a vibrant ...
I asked ChatGPT to interpret the use of color in the following lake landscape.Q: This painting seems to depict a lake landscape, but the water or ground is very colorful. Why do you think it’s painted this way?A: There could be several reasons for the colorful depiction of the water or gro ...
I asked ChatGPT for multiple interpretations of the following artwork.Q: Please interpret this artwork in four distinct ways.This artwork, painted in a vibrant abstract style, allows for interpretation from various perspectives. Here are four different interpretations:Rural Landscape: This ...
I provided several images generated with the prompt “Kanabstracd Hope” to ChatGPT, asking it to guess the theme. For some of these images, it correctly identified “hope” as the theme. The following three images are examples:I initially asked ChatGPT the following questions:“What influenced ...
I provided the following artworks to ChatGPT-4o and evaluated them using several types of questions. In the end, the method of presenting multiple works and having it select the best appears to be effective for choosing higher-quality works. Below, I describe the three methods I tested.Hav ...
Since ChatGPT-4o provided good explanations for a few pieces, I expanded it to cover aroundthe top 500 works. Here are some examples where I largely agree with the analysis.Note that ChatGPT’s answers may vary, so the descriptions here might not match thoseon each artwork’s page.This piece ...
I had ChatGPT-4o analyze several works, including those submitted to exhibitions like the Chubi Exhibition, instructing it to especially note influential artists. For example, it identified influences from Seurat and Cézanne in the two Chubi entries, which were generated using those artist ...
The Chubi Exhibition is an annual open-call art exhibition held at the Tokyo MetropolitanArt Museum by the Chuo Art Association, and two of my submitted works were selected. Before applying, I carefully read the submission guidelines to confirm that entries were not limited to works create ...
We released a press release about the recent year’s achievements,where artworks were created using the real names or pen names of the creators as prompts: https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000003.000113201.html. ...
I would like to share some impressions I had after letting ChatGPT classify the images.Artwork of a person’s full body or half-bodyIn one image, a person aboard a ship is drawn very small, yet it was classified under “Human.”Before seeing this classification, I hadn’t noticed t ...
At the beginning of this project, I classified artworks based on the subject matter depictedin the images. However, as the number of artworks and the amount of drawings increased,I could no longer continue this approach. Yet, classifying images by their content or type isimportant, especia ...
Up until now, there had been no clear borrowing of Dalí’s paintings in Stable Diffusion. However, recently, for the first time, two clear instances of borrowing from “The Persistence of Memory” have been observed.The following image is one of them.I didn’t make note of the othe ...
Various competitions are being held for painting and CG (computer graphics).For CG, there are competitions like the ADAAand AI Art Grand Prix,both of which have deadlines around September.Additionally, for painting, competitions like the Chubi Exhibition,Shin Geijutsu Exhibition, and Novas ...
A conference called Nicograph International 2024, organized by the Art Science Societyat Tokyo Metropolitan University in Minamiosawa, was held. At this conference,I exhibited and explained a poster titled “Emergent Text-to-Image Generation Using ShortNeologism Prompts and Negative P ...
Collected here are artworks created by Stable Diffusion XL that resemblepeekholes.Some of these may be mirrors. ...
When prompted with the name “Monet,” more than half the time, paintings resembling“water lilies” are drawn. While not always depicting water lilies, Monet often paints bridges.Examples will be provided at the end of this article.The following painting, although not ...
The Munch “Scream” is so famous that even without specifying Munch’s name, AI oftendraws images similar to it. It may be coincidental, but the following three imagesare all generated from prompts related to fabric patterns.The third image is also influenced by Van Gogh, with st ...
When given the name of Hokusai, AI persistently produces the famous wave painting, but it isoften depicted even without the name of Hokusai. Several examples are provided below.The painting in the top right corner seems to be influenced by Van Gogh as well.The next two paintings differ con ...
When instructed to draw by Kana (Yasusi_Kanada) or Kanabstracd(that is, Kana or Kanabstracd is used as the positive prompt),landscapes often featuring the moon or sun are frequently depicted.First, examples drawn by Kana are presented.In the next example, the surface of the moon is depicte ...
Among the images drawn by Stable Diffusion, there are often depictions of tunnels or corridors.Especially when given words related to physics, square-section tunnels are frequently observed.The following image depicts what could be called a corridor.The next image resembles more of a spaci ...
When using Kanabstracd as a positive prompt and a word evoking a pattern of animals as a negativeprompt in Stable Diffusion XL, for some reason, it frequently draws faces and bodies of people.Here are some examples drawn with the prompt “rat.” In this case, not only faces but a ...
Having found that generating images with patternized prompts is effective, I searched for wordsthat evoke patterns. One such effective word is “escher.”While words like “pattern” or “texture” are used to repetitively draw and generate patterns,they may n ...
When Kanabstracd is set as the positive prompt and goldfish as the negative prompt, it seemsthat a balance is achieved between predominantly linear elements and moderate curves, resultingin a well-balanced image.The following images, under this prompt, showcase the most linear abstract com ...
The following image is created with Kanabstracd as a positive prompt and “dices” as a negative promptin Stable Diffusion XL.With swirls in the sky, the connection to Van Gogh’s “Starry Night” is evident. It can also be foundin Google Image searches. Furthermore, the ...
Using Kanabstracd as a positive prompt and “bow_arrow” or its plural “bows_arrows”as negative prompts in Stable Diffusion XL resultsin various surreal images.Where is this place, and what are the objects rising up? Even when these images are searchedon Google Images ...
I experimented with the word “barbed” as a negative prompt. When combined with wordslike “pattern,” “texture,” and “Escher,” variousinteresting images were generated.Since “Barbed” is part of the term “barbed wire,” in ...
Using patterns, or repeated motifs, as negative prompts seems to result in more interesting images with a higher probability. By introducing repetition, it clarifies the “prohibitions” and enhances the style of the image. Initially, noticeable patterns such as waves and fabrics ...
In the paintings created by Kanabstracd and Klimtusing Stable Diffusion XL, there are several paintings that seem to be influenced by Van Gogh.Although they differ significantly in style from Van Gogh, these paintings show influence from him.When searched on Google Images, both of these pa ...
AI is adept at embedding human faces in various objects and abstract paintings. For example,in the following Picasso-style painting, it seems like the faces of multiple people are embedded.In the next image, faces seem to be embedded within the patterns.In the following images, cat faces a ...
When prompted with emoji cats along with the pseudonym “Kanabstracd” in Stable Diffusion XL,naturally, it did not draw typical cats, but instead drew lions, mice,and various other unclear images.As Kanabstracd is primarily an abstract artist, it also draws abstract art.Perhaps ...
Stable Diffusion XL understands emoji cats just like Stable Diffusion 1.5, soit draws true cats.It also draws abstracted cats.It draws strange cats and abstract art. ...
Negative prompts are used to diversify AI art images, but it has been found that in some cases,diversity may decrease or almost disappear when negative prompts are provided.The following images were generated with “Kanabstracd” and the painter Hieronymus Bosch as positiveprompt ...
!Most image-generating AI, including Stable Diffusion, currently representimages in 16 bits per pixel, which is often insufficient.When generating images with AI, it often produces images with very low contrast.Increasing the contrast in such images essentially represents the image with mu ...
Using the name of polygons as negative prompts, I had Stable Diffusion XL generate images.While the most diverse results are obtained from hexagons, various images are generatedfrom triangles to pentagons.HexagonsAbstract paintingsPentagonsSquaresTriangles ...
Images with string instruments like guitars and cellos occasionally appear in the center. Why is that?I will provide several examples for now and add more later. ...
There is an “image” like the following. What could this be?It is just speculation, but I think this is an image generated by AI from a photograph of a clockshop with many clocks lined up on the wall. Each clock seems to have been replaced with a swirlingpattern. There may even ...
Fabrics come in various patterns. When these are specified as negative prompts, the imagesgenerated by Stable Diffusion vary significantly for each pattern.ArgyleWhen “Kanabstracd” is used as the positive prompt and “Argyle” as the negative prompt, AI(Stable Diffusi ...
Stable Diffusion (XL) often depicts human faces, and among them, many people are wearing headphones.Why is that?Here are some images generated by Stable Diffusion XL with “Kanabstracd” as the positive prompt.However, the frequent appearance of people wearing headphones is not u ...
Using “Kanabstracd” as the positive prompt and an image containing numerous starfishas the negative prompt (when used as the positive prompt), I had Stable Diffusion XL generate images.I believe I have created some interesting pictures.Compared to those created with other promp ...
!Using “Kanabstracd” as the positive prompt and experimenting with various patterns as negativeprompts, it was found that specifying patterns related to railways, such as “railwaypattern”,as the negative prompt produce intriguing images.Several phrases were tested a ...
In Stable Diffusion XL, certain negative prompts can cause a degradation in the colors of the generated images. Yellow and green hues are significantly reduced, leaving predominantly red and blue tones. For instance, when using the creatorʼs name (Yasusi Kanada) as the positive prompt ...
When using “Klee” or “Kanabstracd” as positive promptsand “Mondrian” as the negative prompt, the patterns in the images change significantly. This phenomenon was initially noticed when experimenting with various negative prompts alongside the positive pr ...
Choosing my pen name as “Kanabstracd” and setting it as a positive prompt for generating images with Stable Diffusion XL worked well, so I decided to add some variation. I considered using a pen name because I felt that it would be difficult to assert ownership with a name that ...
I attempted to draw about 8000 images using my name as a prompt with Stable Diffusion XL. As a result, it was often found that maple trees or maple leaves resembling the Canadian flag were drawn from the spelling “Kanada.” The bias towards maple trees tends to be associated wit ...
When printing from RGB images to posters, the colors can change significantly. While the images on this site are also intended for viewing on display screens, considering printing them as posters first, I thought it might be better to create the images using the CMYK color composition meth ...
I experimented with various negative prompts while using “Kanadansky” as the positive prompt, intending it to be the creator’s pen name. Since specifying only “Kanadansky” often resulted in Russian-style landscapes, I thought that specifying something related to Rus ...
I experimented with various negative prompts while using “Kanadansky” as the positive prompt, intending it to be the creatorʼs pen name. When I found that specifying the name of a ukiyo-e artist as the negative prompt while using the creatorʼs name as the positive pro ...
Since drawing images by specifying only my name (Yasusi_Kanada) as the positive prompt workedwell, I wanted to add some more variation. Therefore, I considered using a pen name. I thought that using a pen name that is different from my real name would make it less claimable as my own, so I ...
I considered using my name (Yasusi Kanada) as a prompt. I have written the reasons separately. To achieve various images, I considered specifying only my name (or with “painting”)as the positive prompt and diversifying the images with negative prompts. For the negative prompts, ...
I considered using my name (Yasusi Kanada) as a prompt. I have written the reasons separately. To achieve various images, I considered specifying only my name as the positive prompt and diversifying the images with negative prompts. Therefore, negative prompts such as Millet, Rembrandt, an ...
I considered using my name (Yasusi Kanada) as a prompt. I have written the reasons in another article. To obtain a variety of images, I specify only my name (or with “painting”) as the positive prompt and diversify the images with negative prompts. For the negative prompt, espe ...
I considered using my name (Yasusi Kanada) as a prompt. Here is the reason: Creating images with short prompts is something anyone can do. If interesting images can be created this way, and if the prompt is publicly available and does not reflect my “rights,” anyone can copy it ...
I exhibited AI art pieces under the title “Art AI’s Free Creation Works” at Design Festaheld at Tokyo Big Sight from November 11th to 12th. Although the AI art imageson the MWAIP website showcase around 46,000 images,due to limited exhibition space, I displayed only 36 images. While most p ...
At Design Festa vol.58 held at Tokyo Big Sight, I will select and exhibit 36 out ofover 40,000 images. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to purchase other postersalong with them.The exhibition is titled “FreeArtistic Creations by AI,” and our booth is B-137. Except fo ...
!Until now, I have mainly used the names of famous painters as prompts to create painted-style images in Stable Diffusion. However, since I am using short prompts, anyone can easily imitate this method. To create artworks that are resistent to imitate, I decided to try using a prompt that ...
In Stable Diffusion 2.1, by changing only the initial of Kandinsky’s name, “K”,such as “Dandinsky” or “Vandinsky,” entirely different and unique artworks are created, distinct from Kandinsky’s style.Among these, “Dandinsky” and “Vandins ...
I have issued a press release regarding the achievements of the past 9 months.https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000002.000113201.html ...
I provided the name of Hokusai as a positive prompt and “Ukiyo-e” as a negative promptto Stable Diffusion 2.1. This resulted in surreal Ukiyo-e style landscapes and more.When it comes to Hokusai, his famous wave paintings from “Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji”are glo ...
I’ve written about the pictures generated by teaching AI with Sharaku’s name in a separate article. This time, I tried providing “ukiyo-e” as a negative prompt. The results are red-caped black “heroes” and eerie figures. Why?!Letʼs continue. ...
Kitagawa Utamaro created numerous portraits of beauties, many of which are available online. Providing just Utamaroʼs name results in AI-generated artwork that resembles his style of beauty portraits. However, when I attempted to have AI create something other than beauty portraits, I ...
When only Hiroshige’s name is given to Stable Diffusion 2.1, many of the resulting paintingshave muted colors and are not particularly attractive. However, by providing his name or “Ukiyo-e” as a negative prompt, more diverse landscape paintings featuring mountainsand ponds can ...
VanceAI offers the ability to upscale image resolution by 2-8 times, and it seems thata new algorithm has recently been introduced on this site. When I tried it, I noticedsignificant improvements compared to before.Most of the images on this site are created on OpenArt.ai. Itʼs conven ...
Arcimboldo’s paintings are strange and eerie, but when you provide his name as both positive andnegative prompts, along with names like Rubens and Botticelli as negative prompts, various cuteartworks surprisingly emerge.First, let’s consider the case with Rubens. Various artworks, includin ...
By providing Kandinskyʼs name as a positive prompt and names like Mondrian and Monet as negative prompts to Stable Diffusion 2.1, various artworks different from what Kandinsky created can be obtained.When only Kandinskyʼs name is provided, most of the images have a vibe like the ...
By providing Kandinsky’s name as a positive prompt and the word “Cubism” as a negative prompt to Stable Diffusion 2.1, various surrealistic landscape paintings different from what Kandinskycreated can be obtained.When only Kandinsky’s name (Kandinsky) is provided, most of the i ...
By providing Kandinsky’s name as a positive prompt and Klee’s name as a negative promptto Stable Diffusion 2.1, various images, including landscapes, portraits, and abstract art,were obtained.Among the landscape images, we have the following examples.The following images could also be cons ...
By providing Kandinskyʼs name as both a positive and negative prompt to Stable Diffusion 2.1 and further adjusting the “scale,” various images with different styles were obtained.By providing Kandinskyʼs name in various forms, a surprisingly diverse range of images ca ...
By providing Kandinskyʼs name as a positive prompt and various paintersʼ names as negativeprompts to Stable Diffusion 2.1, you can obtain a wide range of artworks.The two images above, the left with Pollock specified as the negative prompt and the rightwith Mondrian specified, se ...
We provided the name of the modern artist Picabia to Stable Diffusion 2.1 and had it create various paintings. By using this as both positive and negative prompts, we obtained a surprisingly diverse range of images.Even when only Picabiaʼs name is given as a positive prompt, interesti ...
We gave the coined term “shinexpressionism” to Stable Diffusion 2.1 to create art. Among various paintings generated, one of them is shown below.There are trees on the left side of the swirling sky in this painting. It seems to be influencedby Van Goghʼs “Starry Nigh ...
When providing Kleeʼs name (Klee or Paul Klee) to Stable Diffusion 2.1 to generate images, it often creates lattice-like patterns. To encourage the creation of more diverse images, I provided the word “lattice” as a negative prompt, and this worked well, resulting in a var ...
In Stable Diffusion 2.1, when providing the name of the Cubist painter Braque as a positive promptand Picasso as a negative prompt, AI paints landscapes with a Cubist atmosphere that are quitedifferent from Braqueʼs paintings. Many of them depict mountain scenes.In the next four image ...
Giuseppe Arcimboldo was a Renaissance painter known for his peculiar portraits made up of faces consistingof vegetables, small animals, and more. When his name is provided to Stable Diffusion 2.1, the AI producesimages similar to what Arcimboldo himself painted. However, when given other p ...
Giuseppe Arcimboldo was a Renaissance painter known for creating strange faces composed of vegetables, small animals, and more. When his name is given to Stable Diffusion 2.1, the AI creates images reminiscent of Arcimboldo’s own work. However, when the name of another artist is provided a ...
Giuseppe Arcimboldo was a Renaissance painter known for creating bizarre faces composed of vegetables, small animals, and more. When you provide his name to Stable Diffusion 2.1, it generates paintings resembling those created by Arcimboldo himself. However, when you use the name of anothe ...
When given the name of Arcimboldo to Stable Diffusion 2.1, it produces paintings similar to whatArcimboldo himself painted. However, providing Arcimboldo as a positive prompt along with the nameof another painter as a negative prompt results in various transformations in the art. In this c ...
When Giuseppe Arcimboldo’s name is provided to Stable Diffusion 2.1, the AI creates images similarto what he painted. However, when Arcimboldo is given as a positive prompt along with other painters’names as negative prompts, the artwork undergoes various transformations. In this case, we ...
Giuseppe Arcimboldo was a Renaissance painter known for his peculiar portraits composed ofvegetables, animals, and other elements. Providing his name as a prompt to Stable Diffusion 2.1results in artwork reminiscent of Arcimboldo’s own creations. However, when other painters’ namesare give ...
Giuseppe Arcimboldo was a Renaissance painter known for his peculiar portraits composedof vegetables, animals, and other elements. Providing his name as a prompt to Stable Diffusion 2.1results in artwork reminiscent of Arcimboldo’s own creations. However, when the name of Muchais given as ...
Stable Diffusion 2.1 does not produce very interesting images when given the name “Klee”(referring to Paul Klee). However, interesting images emerge when using the name “Mondrian”as a negative prompt.These were created simply by using “Klee” as a positiv ...
!As I have mentioned before, when providing the name “Van Gogh” to Stable Diffusion 2.1, it persistently generates images of starry nights. Sometimes, it even does so without his name. Letʼs explore these various depictions of starry nights.In some of them, the color of sk ...
So far, I have been using AI to learn from painters (specifying their names) and create artwork. However, this approach may raise copyright issues when learning from existing artists. Therefore, I thought about trying to learn from photographs and creating art. If I can produce paintings t ...
While we have experimented extensively with mathematical terms, this time we triedusing terms from physics, chemistry, and other fields to generate AI artusing Stable Diffusion 2.1.Combining specific terms with specific artist names, such as “relativity” and Klimt,or “qua ...
Continuing the experiment of creating AI art with mathematical terms, we will nowintroduce various artworks derived from different terms that havenʼt been covered yet.From a term like “exponent” and a close word “exponentiation,” as wellas “reciprocal, ...
While continuing our endeavor to create AI art using mathematical terms, in this case, we will showcase artwork derived from probability and statistics terminology.Mathematical terms are typically abstract, but in the case of statistics, they are often associated with graphs, making them m ...
Continuing the experiment of creating AI art with mathematical terms, in this case,we focus on “linear” and “nonlinear.” Even with “linear,” specifyingboth positive and negative prompts results in interesting artwork. However,with “nonlinear,” ...
I have previously written about the interesting results of creating artwork using the word“infinity” or similar words with Stable Diffusion. In addition to that, by providingnames of artists like Kandinsky and Klimt, the most fascinating artworks have been createdso far.I have ...
I have written about the interesting results of creating artwork using “infinity” or similar words as prompts for Stable Diffusion a couple of times already. So, I decided to try other mathematical terms and experimented with several of them. In this article, I will focus on di ...
When instructing AI to paint cat images, I have been experimenting with both positive andnegative prompts, including “cat.” Sometimes, I include two instances of “cat,” but thattends to result in multiple cats rather than enhancing the cat presence. First, let me sh ...
I attempted to apply the name of contemporary artist Leonid Afremov (1955-2019) to Stable Diffusion.His paintings are characterized by a distinctive style that is immediately recognizable, and cautionis necessary regarding copyright issues when Stable Diffusion produces similar artwork.How ...
AI art has created various nude artworks. In AI art websites, the inclusion of the word “nude” is usually prohibited, so some ingenuity is required.Conversely, if there is too much ambiguity, it can generate inappropriate images,so those are not included on this site.First, her ...
I had AI create art using “repetitive names” such as “Lili” or “Mimi”. To achieve a painting style, I added “🖼” as a positive prompt in Stable Diffusion 1.5, and in 2.1, I provided “painting” as both positive and negative prompts. ...
Stable Diffusion 1.5 and OpenJourney sometimes depict “ambiguous” cityscapes.In other words, while the presence of roads and buildings can be discerned, they may appearblurry or indistinct.These are also paintings that painters rarely create, and I believe that this isone of th ...
AI art software, especially Stable Diffusion 1.5 and OpenJourney, often depict “ambiguous figures.”In other words, they create images where certain parts or the entire form of a person are vague,yet it is still apparent that a person has been depicted. Faces are usually relativ ...
As I mentioned before, when using “Ynfin” in AI art, terrifying faces, glowing creatures, and plants are depicted. However, during exploration around “infinite,” I discovered that “unfin” and its vicinity also depict demon-like faces and small animals.He ...
I discovered that interesting images can be obtained with “Infin” or “infinite” by AI art,so I started exploring around that. As a result, I found that “ynfin” and related terms depictdemon-like faces and glowing creature-like entities.First, let’s look ...
I wrote about how interesting patterns can be obtained in AI art by using “Infinite” orsimilar spellings in the article“Images with Overlapping Arcs Created with the Prompt ʼInfinʼ”.In that article, I mainly presented images composed of arc-like shapes (re ...
I tried giving “QR code” as a prompt to AI art (Stable Diffusion 2.1).Of course, I didn’t expect the generated images to be readable as QR codes.While they do resemble QR codes, adding “color” doesn’t actually add colors, and adding “3D”does not make the ...
I have created several AI artworks using Sharaku as a prompt in Stable Diffusion. While I expected to seeimages in the style of Sharaku’s ukiyo-e prints, what I didn’t anticipate were the shark photo-like imagesand scenes of Russian cities.The appearance of sharks could be due to the resem ...
I have been attempting AI art generation by specifying various artist names as positive and negative prompts. In the case of Klimt, a much greater variety of images are produced compared to when only positive prompts are provided.Let me provide some examples. The first three images contain ...
I have been using various approaches to prompt AI Art with the name of Kandinsky, and this time, I tried combining “dividing” and “negating” the name. In other words, I provided divided versions of "Kandinsky,” such as “K_andinsky” or “Ka_ndi ...
I have been using various ways to prompt AI Art with the name of Kandinsky, and regardless of the approach, it produces rich images. As I mentioned in the article Negating Kandinsky: Unveiling Fascinating AI Art”,providing negative prompts along with positive prompts for “Kandi ...
In AI Art, I have mentioned several times that specifying the same artist name in positive andnegative prompts can result in diverse paintings. When I tried it with Dali, I obtainedinteresting results.Although these paintings are completely different from Daliʼs style, what do you thi ...
In AI Art, textures can be actively generated or unintentionally appear.Here are examples of textures I have produced so far.One of the most frequently depicted textures is swirl patterns. Some may consider them too large to be called textures, while others are incredibly intricate.Mesh pa ...
On this site, we showcase images created by AI, particularly Stable Diffusion, with as short and minimalistic prompts as possible, typically consisting of only one word. We refer to this minimalist approach as Minimal Words AI Painting (MWAIP). In this article, we discuss methods for gener ...
AI art has become possible through the use of a vast amount of existing images. In thisregard, many contemporary artworks, since Marcel Duchamp’s use of an existing urinalin “Fountain,” share a commonality of using preexisting materials. Therefore, it can besaid that AI art is ...
When providing numbers as prompts to Stable Diffusion 2.1 and 1.5, the AI often draws plants suchas trees. I am not sure why this happens, but it allows for various pictures related to plants.Here are some examples:The left image resembles a jungle.The right image seems to have different e ...
Using Stable Diffusion 2.1, I instructed the AI to generate painting-style images with 2 alphabets. Starting with the combination of “A” as the first letter, I found that “AQ” producedparticularly captivating results.The majority of the generated images are abstract ...
With Stable Diffusion 2.1 and 1.5, you can obtain various captivating images in different painting styles by providing a single alphabet.However, to achieve a painterly style, the prompt “🖼” is added for SD 1.5, and “painting” is used as both positive and negative p ...
By negating the name of a painter, that is, specifying both the positive prompt and the negative prompt with the same painter name, you can obtain a wider variety of images in different painting styles than by specifying only the positive prompt. I wrote about this in “Diversifying I ...
When providing variations of the spellings for “Impressionism” and “Expressionism”such as “Pressionism”, “Ressionism”, “Ssionism”, or their modified versionsto Stable Diffusion 2.1, it generates various images. By specifying the s ...
In this article, I will introduce some of the various images generated by providing words suchas “Expressionism” and “Neoexpressionism” to Stable Diffusion 2.1.The original intention of Expressionism is to express emotions rather than depict objects objectively. How ...
In this article, I will introduce some of the various images generated by providing words that represent Impressionism and its successors, such as Impressionism, Neo-impressionism, and Post-impressionism, to Stable Diffusion 2.1.It appears that the use of colors in the artwork is more vibr ...
By specifying a single word as both a positive and negative prompt in Stable Diffusion 2.1,we can obtain a diverse range of images. I tried this method with Severiniʼs paintings.If we specify only the positive prompt with Severiniʼs name, the generated cityscapes will have a simi ...
!By specifying a single word as both a positive and negative prompt in Stable Diffusion 2.1, you can obtain a diverse range of images. When trying this with Van Goghʼs paintings, while the resulting images are diversified, Starry Night and Self-Portrait still appear frequently.The fir ...
When the same painter name is specified for positive and negative prompts, Stable Diffusion 2.1 often generates very interesting images.And sometimes, very diverse images are generated.Specifying the name of an artist in a negative prompt to obtain diverse images may be related to the fact ...
Although I have been releasing original AI art images onPinterest in small amounts, I recently found a way to register them on Pinterest with relatively little effort, so I am now using it to distribute AI art images.Instagram is often used as a way to release original images such as photo ...
This blog has both a Japanese version and an English version, and the content is almost the same. When referencing image web pages from blog articles, I provide links to both the Japanese and English versions. The same applies to references to blog articles. While Google Translate often fa ...
When using Stable Diffusion 2.1, it is possible to obtain a diverse range of images with varied transformations by specifying a single word as both a positive and negative prompt simultaneously. When trying this with Kandinsky, I obtained results that exceeded my expectations.Although Kand ...
When using Stable Diffusion to draw a night view, we sometimes use a neologism similar to “night”as a prompt, such as “nigh” or “nite”. However, just using these neologisms does notnecessarily result in a night view. Therefore, if the contrast of the res ...
We mainly create images in the style of paintings using an AI called Stable Diffusion. In this case, the words that make up the prompt given to the AI can be divided into painter names or nominative case and object names or accusative case. It is also possible to include a verb, but it is ...
I am creating various types of images using AI art programs. In order to share them withthe public, I need to categorize them and display them in order of preference by category.With over 13,000 images, it is difficult for viewers to browse through them without propercategorization, and ev ...
Many of the AI art images on this site required adjustments to contrast and brightness. Without them, it is sometimes difficult to discern what is depicted in the images. Until now, I have made these adjustments manually, but I have developed a program that automates the optimization proce ...
When providing prompts such as “impressionism” or “Seura” to Stable Diffusion 2.1,one can obtain images in a pointillist style. However, these images do not look very good when zoomed in,so I struggled to make them look as clean as possible. I used image processing ...
Many of the faces of people drawn by AI art by chance are disfigured and uncomfortable.Here are examples. I donʼt think this would happen if I had it draw with elaborate words related to people, but I often see faces like this when I let it draw freely.Many people draw realistic image ...
As in British folk song “Green sleeves”, "sleeves" were tied to women.In that case, I thought that if I gave “sleeves” to the AI, it would draw a woman, and I was right. ...
As an example of the creation of various images from short coined words,here I show some example images generated by Stable Diffusion 1.5using “gital”.I submitted the above content to Text toimage school board in Prompt Stack. ...
I want to widely introduce the method of creating various images from a short prompt, which is different from the conventional method of creating art thatuse long prompts.As one way to do this, I decided to join the community called Prompt Stack. This is because it is difficult to access p ...
When asked about the images on this site, ChatGPT was able to correctly guess the formatof the directory and the identification of the images. Here is a record of part of the conversation with ChatGPT.Q. Are there any images on this website that resemble Edvard Munch’s work? https://www.da ...
Recently, when I let Stable Diffusion 2.1 draw AI art, I often used “painting”both as positive and negative prompts.Using the same word, I specified a negative prompt and the other did not.Then, the specified one generates pictures that has nothing to do with drawing a picture, ...
If you give AI (Stable Diffusion) a short and meaningless prompt,it draws not only city scenery but also natural scenery and rural scenery in an abstract (vague) way.Let’s take a look at some images of these fascinating landscapes. ...
By giving detailed prompts to AI (Stable Diffusion), you can draw realistic city scape.Conversely, short, meaningless prompts generates abstract (or ambiguous) city scape.What do you think about this kind of scenery, especially the night view, that stirs the imagination? ...
The picture below was drawn by Stable Diffusion 1.5 with “[” as the prompt.What is that blue thing in the middle with a border?When I first saw it, I thought that this was the view of the sky from the courtyardof the building, although the surroundings do not look like building ...
The picture below was drawn with Stable Diffusion 1.5 by giving “>” as a prompt. However, if you look closely, there is a human mouth underneath, so you can see that what looked like a beak was a human nose. Since the eyes of a person overlap with the eyes of a bird, it can be seen as wear ...
Collage is often drawn when AI is given a “weak” theme.When one image does not have enough power to unify the entire screen, it seems to divide the screen and draw.As a method of division, there are cases where it is neatly divided into 4, 9, etc. rectangular areas, but it is more like a r ...
I continue to try to create AI art by giving coined words.It can be seen that there are cases in which a slight change causes a sensitive response.For example, you can see that the word “cat” is resistant to spelling changes.“catt”, “catu” and other spel ...
Images generated by AI are often dark or have low contrast.Therefore, the images published on this site are easily edited.The purpose of the editing is to make the images created by AI easier to see, not to rewrite them.Even so, I sometimes end up editing too much.There are two current edi ...
If you give AI the name of a painter, it will often draw a picture imitating that painter.Normally, various painting materials are selected, but depending on the artist, if you change the random numbers and drawI sometimes draw many pictures that imitate a specific picture.There is no prob ...
It seems that there are many people who try to draw realistic women with AI art.It’s something that appears in games.However, it doesn’t work very well.The face can be drawn relatively well, but the fingers seem to be difficult.Therefore, I think that I get more out of abstract paintings t ...
I’ve been using Stable Diffusion 1.5 for most of my images, but OpenArt.aiI also tried models such as OpenJourney, Analog Diffusion, Anything that can be used withSo far, I’ve also tried Stable Diffusion 2.0, but 1.5 works better, so I’ve been sticking with it.I’ve also used DALL E 2 for a ...
We continue to make AI create images with coined words, but Stable Diffusion 2.1“painging” as a negative prompt by giving the word “painging infin”, it creates various images with overlapping arcs.I have only tried about 30 images so far, but just by changing the ra ...
If you enter a word with “🖼” as a prompt in Stable Diffusion 1.5, it will usually draw a picture.However, Stable Diffusion 2.0/2.1 does not draw the picture as you think.Adding “painting” often draws a picture, but it tends to use bold colors.Perhaps, if the spellin ...
I showed ChatGPT an image generated by Stable Diffusion 1.5 and tried to guess what was drawn.Image from Dasyn.com AI art siteI tried to pass the URL, but I made a mistake and the URL on the MacBook that can’t be seen from the outsideI gave the . So I asked the following question.What shou ...
When I let Stable Diffusion 1.5 draw pictures with the words “jiji”, most of them drew cats.When I looked it up on Google, I found out that a cat named Jiji appears in Kiki’s Delivery Service.When I asked ChatGPT, I found that not only that, but there are also things related to ...
I asked ChatGPT,“Could you tell me a short spell that makes an interesting image with Stable Diffusion 1.5?”Then, some programs came back as answers. An example is1. Generate random noisesdnoise[0] out_color("type=octave, lacunarity=2, persistence=0.5, octaves=6, seed=1");out_c ...
AI (Stable Diffusion 1.5) may create a circle by arranging objects as follows.The prompt (spell) used is ``coronaviʼʼ. In other words, it can be said that AI arranged things to create the shape of the coronavirus.The image on the right has many protrusions, which are characterist ...
AI (Stable Diffusion) sometimes arranges objects to create shapes such as letters.After entering “7” as a prompt (spell), I arranged apples and wrote the letter “7”.Since it cannot be assumed that the AI has learned this kind of photo,In addition to knowing the sh ...
I asked ChatGPT what it would be like to make AI art the way I do it now.I did not get the answer I was hoping for, but when I finally asked what would happen if I useda word that was not in the training data, I got a satisfactory answer that it was difficult to predict.At first, I asked, ...
I used ChatGPT a little.That made me think that what humans should do is to outwit ChatGPT.ChatGPT is learning a huge amount of existing information.So, if you ask a question, it will give you a common sense answer in great detail.This is useful.However, it can hardly answer what is not in ...
I wondered what kind of image I could get if I gave AI (Stable Diffusion 1.5) the coined word “gerimandala”, which is a combination of “gerimander” and “mandala”.As I intended, I was able to create something that looks like a combination of a “gerr ...
If you use Dali as a joke with AI art, you can create endlessly interesting images. Perhaps because Stable Diffusion also sees photographs of Dali’s performances, Dali himself appears frequently. There is Dali who became a cat in the attached image.Dali AI Art Poster#aiart #stabledifusion ...
The spelling “Kanskoy” seems to be recognized as a painterʼs name by AI (Stable Diffusion 1.5).Entering “Kanskoy” in the prompt (spell) draws a picture with a certain style.It can draw a picture of a woman relatively well.Of course, it draws pictures of men as ...
I have been making AI art with pictograms.Combining constellation letters (such as ♒) with 🌠 and 🌌 creates patterns that would not appear on their own.#aiart #generativeartA list of such pictures can be found on the next page.AI art with zodiac and astrology pictogramsNote: This article is ...
I wrote separately that you can create a cat image with a cat emoji, but just by inserting the 🌠 (meteor) emoji,It turns out that Stable Diffusion 1.5 produces surprisingly clean images.I will only include four here, but Sky/Stars/Universe contains various images, including related images. ...
When I put the word “corona” into AI (Stable Diffusion 1.5), the following image was obtained.It is certainly round like the coronavirus, and there are protrusions around it.However, it seems that there are many things that are not similar to coronavirus, such as a person-like ...
AI art (Stable Diffusion 1.5) often draws concentric patterns.The corona is round and many mandalas are also round, so it is natural to draw a round thing when I put those words in, but when I put in the coined words euclidean, ab, I drew a round thing.Here are just four examples (corona, ...
If you enter cat and the name of the artist at the prompt in AI art, it will often draw a cat instead of the personʼs face in the painterʼs style portrait. I find it interesting that a cat draws a cat from the composition of a man drawing a man.#aiart #generativeart Images genera ...
Picasso drew a picture in which parts such as a human face were rearranged.On the other hand, if you put Picassoʼs name in AI art (stable diffusion), I think it would be interesting to draw a picture with many faces overlapping each other.In music, canon and fugue overlap the same mel ...
Most people who enjoy AI art add words (prompts) to create the image they want. However, I think that enjoying unexpected images created from short words is also one of the ways to enjoy. The example below is an image from the name of the artist Giacomo Balla and some variations of it.#aia ...
Using short prompts in AI art can yield a surprisingly wide variety of images. For example, in Stable Diffusion 1.5, if you try it repeatedly with the name of a real painter called Tullio Crali or a slightly changed version of it, you will get a lot of images with a painting style differen ...
I am addicted to AI art and have it create various images. As a result, we found that AI (Stable Diffusion 1.5) also understands emoji. For example, you can create the following images with 😺 and 😻.AI art images of various emojisNote: This article is a revised and translated version ofan a ...
Among the AI art posters that have been put on sale, there are some that change the image by changing the spelling of the artistʼs name, and some that use coined words. While some things can be changed completely by changing the spelling a little, I found that things such as cat are ...
In order to disseminate information about the start of sales of AI art posters on Rakuten,I used PRTimes press releases.PRTimes pageNote: This article is a revised and translated version ofan article in Brog from Kanada (in Japanese). ...
Poster and Postcards are now on sale. We sell cat art posters in various styles such as paintings and photographs, and posters in the style of classical paintings to modern painters. Some of them are also sold as postcards.Note: This article is a revised and translated version ofan article ...
I have been into AI art lately, and I thought I would try Stable Diffusion 1.5 to draw a coronavirus.If you put in a direct prompt called CoronaVirus, it draws something like that, but the image of COVID2 seems to be weak.Just by changing the spelling a little, you can draw a lot of unexpe ...
I am looking into haiku-style AI art, but I think it is necessary to find a way to expressin one word what is usually expressed in multiple words in order to express a lot of things.Therefore, I tried to abbreviate “Magritte cat” as an example.First, try the base “Magritt ...
I saw on the internet that an AI art program called Stable Diffusion can paint even one emoji, so I tried it out.If you enter 🌹, you can get a photo-like image of a flower garden.Also, if you enter 🐽, you can get an image of a pig.Also, even if you try to enter kanji, for example, if you e ...
“Mondrian” is a very strong word for Stable Diffusion 1.5, an art AI.Combining it with various other words, you can get an image that approximates the Mondrian pattern.However, if you change this more and more until you get to Mindalian, you will get an image that is quite diff ...
I am trying “haiku style” with AI art.As a prompt (spell), if possible, one word, two or three words at the most, is given to the AI to create an image.If it is a haiku, it is good to have a season word in it, so I will try to put words that express the season first.First, le ...
I drew "Cosmos" on the AI art site.Since Cosmos does not know whether it is a flower or the universe, sometimes you get an image that mixes them.If you use cosmos flower to limit yourself to flowers, it will be too strong, and if you combine it with other words, it wonʼt work.So, I ...
I gave only “Picasso”, “Dali”, and slightly different spellings on the AI art site, and tried to see how the generated images would change.Sometimes an image that is completely different from the paintings of those painters is created, but sometimes a painting-lik ...
There are many tools that use deep learning (AI) to generate images from English sentences.I’m trying to make various abstract painting-like images using it.Looking at those images, I feel that AI (deep learning) is good at abstract paintings.First, let’s look at some examples.As I have al ...
I wanted to draw an abstract cat picture using NightCafe.The impression of cats is too strong, so it is hard to get the image to be abstract enough.AI art is often used to create “impossible” concrete paintings, but I would like to use it to create more abstract paintings.So, I tried vario ...
I made Kandinsky style pictures using AI (Stable Diffusion 1.5).Since Kandinsky drew a picture that looks like a collection of fragments, I used planktons as supplies.However, even if the word “plankton” is used, it is not understood and it is not very successful.The following ...
Posted various AI arts such as cat-like cats on Instagram and Pinterest:https://www.instagram.com/aiart_yk/https://www.pinterest.jp/yasusik/ai-art/Until now, my Instagram account has been in a dormant state, but now it has comments and so on. The tool used is NightCafe: https://creator.nig ...