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🤖🖼 AI Art Blog 🅰🅸 🅰🆁🆃

A blog related to original AI artworks. I make AI artworks using coined words and emoji as prompts.

Spelling that can create various images with AI art

2023-03-15 12:08

I continue to try to create AI art by giving coined words. It can be seen that there are cases in which a slight change causes a sensitive response.

For example, you can see that the word “cat” is resistant to spelling changes. “catt”, “catu” and other spellings also produce cats:

GzOYsxTt_1668524215158 EYbkMJ8N_1668524286609

The spelling “catptain” produced the following image.

sKf8dAVjrQY5jVk1eyNK--3--nr80i sKf8dAVjrQY5jVk1eyNK--2--igg0f

I’ve tried many other things with the cat, but I can’t find the images I made easily, so I’ll leave it at that.

Dasyn.com デイシン
Created: 2023-03-15 12:08   Edited: 2024-09-29