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🤖🖼 AI Art Blog 🅰🅸 🅰🆁🆃

A blog related to original AI artworks. I make AI artworks using coined words and emoji as prompts.

Two Works Selected for the Chubi Exhibition

2024-10-30 00:00

The Chubi Exhibition is an annual open-call art exhibition held at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum by the Chuo Art Association, and two of my submitted works were selected. Before applying, I carefully read the submission guidelines to confirm that entries were not limited to works created by the applicant, and that CG and AI art were not excluded. I also verified by phone that CG works would be accepted before submitting. It was important that submissions weren’t restricted to works created by the applicant because I consider these pieces to have been created by AI rather than myself. The two pieces I submitted are as follows.

bwmfbeuv 9qsfzrxf

Since previously unpublished works were required, I posted them on this site only after selection was confirmed. No description of the works was needed at the time of submission, only the title, which I shortened slightly for submission, though it remained quite long.

There will be a review session and party on November 10, where I hope to learn more about why the works were selected. I plan to write more about the Chubi Exhibition here afterward. However, since I also have an exhibit at the Nicograph 2024 conference on the same day, I don’t expect to be able to attend either event from start to finish.

Dasyn.com デイシン
Created: 2024-10-30 00:00   Edited: 2024-12-26