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AI art images “MWAIP” — Bringing out the artistic talent of AI!

The AI created various images. Three short words were given to the AI, and it freely created images using its knowledge. The website title “MWAIP” stands for “Minimal-Words AI Painting.”

Items 11 to 20 (Total 121765 items)

AI art images 否認されたアルチンボルドとクリムトの共作風 “Untitled”

AI art images 否認されたカンディンスキーとクリムトの共作風 「イノベーション」

AI art images 否認されたジュゼッペ・アルチンボルド風 「軸の否認」

AI art images 弓_矢の影響を排したカナブストラクドによる “Untitled”

AI art images カナブストラクドと否認された葛飾北斎の共作風 「シュールリアリズム」

AI art images “Infinite2”

AI art images ピート・モンドリアンの影響を排したパウル・クレーに学んだ “Untitled”

AI art images ピート・モンドリアンの影響を排した否認されたパウル・クレー風 “Untitled”

AI art images 数学に学んだ否認されたカンディンスキー風 「微分」

AI art images カナブストラクトと否認されたヒエロニムス・ボスの共作風 “Untitled”

Items 11 to 20 (Total 121765 items)

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> ★Kana's artworks
> ★Kanabstracd's artworks
> ★Kanadansky's artworks
> ★Artworks by other painters in Kana Family
> Cat art
> Modern and contemporary painters learned
> Renaissance painters learned
> Baroque painters learned
> Virtual collaborations
> Paintings of virtual painters (AI painters)
> Imitated modern and contemporary style
> 3D/4D
> Various patterns learned
> Science, Mathematics, or Philosophy learned
> Paintings of various coined words and numbers
> Humanity learned
> Painting women
> Painting intended to depict people
> Painting of lights
> Paintings of various scapes
> Paintings of flowers
> Paintings depicting the sky, stars, and space
> Emojis of signs and constellation
> Various emojis and world characters
> Abstract painting style (Abstract/vague humans, flowers, birds, scenary, etc.)
> Negative art
> Paintings of slightly grotesque human body
> Paintings learned Photos
> Photo style
> Miscellaneous

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2024-09-09 15:23:27.076356