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Various images were created by AI

AI artworks > Modern and contemporary painters learned > Miró learned > Miró positive
AI artworks > Modern and contemporary painters learned > Dalí learned > Dalí positive
AI artworks > Cat art > Cats learned from famous artists > Miro cat
AI artworks > Cat art > Cats learned from famous artists > Dalí cat
AI artworks > Virtual collaborations > Virtual collaborations of positive artists

猫アート 絵画風 AI Artwork: ミロとダリの共作風の「猫」 キャット・アート 猫の絵 Joan Miró i Ferrà Salvador Dalí

An original computer artwork
Image ID: 6kBST50dLsAL33YsTNQz3

Reduced image (600×600)

Poster in frame
Magnified image of the center

This is a cat art image that was created by the AI art program . It was created by using the word(s) “Dalí cat loves Miró cat” as the prompt(s). タイトルはミロとダリの共作風の「猫」ですが,あまりミロやダリにとらわれずに見ていただきたいとおもいます.

AI art usually can only create rough images of A6 size (approximately 500 to 1000 pixels in height and width). Using a technique called super-resolution, the resolution is made 4 to 8 times finer than the original image. However, please note that the resolution of the product image above is about the same as the original image.

Cocreation style of ミロとダリ, but created by AI.

The poster of this image can be purchased at a page in Rakuten or a page in Yahoo! Shopping by inputting the image ID.
This image can be downloaded as a PDf file.

The original image without copyright (but with creative commons license) is published at Dasyn.com and the AI art site NightCafe: dasyn.com/aiart/nightcafe/6kBST50dLsAL33YsTNQz--3--5c22z.jpg
The above images and PDF files are edited images, so they are protected by copyrights.

How to create images?

These images are created by our original method, which is different from usual AI art images. AI art images are created by giving English description called prompt. Many AI art images were created by using AI art programs such as Stable Diffusion,DALL・E 2,or Midjourney in 2022. To create expected images by AI art, a detailed description is usually given. However, we usually give only a few words or a coined word to web sites of OpenArt, NightCafe, etc., which use ; That is, the program create images generatively and emergently using the knowledge of the program freely. The contrast of created images are adjusted, but they were not modified.

Unintentional images created in this way are also called "AI art", but I don't think they are necessarily art. However, there are unexpected images or images with a style different from that of the work, patterns, or Various interesting images such as cats embedded in stained glass can be created. Images created by this method, i.e., unintended iamges, are to be called "AI art",


AI art, AI artist, Image generator AI, Artificial intelligence art, Computer art, Digital art, Media art, Stable Diffusion, Generative art, Emergent, Art generator, Intelior, Wall art, Art poster, Art print, Original poster

Note on idea plagiarism and copyright infringement

This image was generated by AI based on the learning data. There is a possibility that ideas may be plagiarized from the images contained in the training data, and if the images are copyrighted, there is also a small possibility of infringing the copyright. If you have any questions, please contact info@dasyn.com. I will respond sincerely.

Dasyn.com デイシン
2025-02-22 10:38:49.577418